Faith. Family. Friends. Love. Home life... so fun!


Friday, August 3, 2012

A school time story

So, today, when I reached my literature study, I called for the assistance of Tori. Tori, who was sewing at that moment, asked if I could wait while she tied off her current project. I agreed, and sat down on the couch next to her. Emmi, who has been in a book-mood all day, came to me with the sixth book of the day (I'd read the first five, but at this point I had already told Tori that I could use her help, so Emmi just had to wait this time!). I don't think she quite got the concept of waiting for her book to be read, as all I was doing was sitting on the couch with pieces of paper in my hand :), but she finally agreed. Abbi, who also wanted attention (although I've already forgotten what she wanted it for, haha) was told that she had to wait, Tori was going to help Bri with her cards. To which Abbi said "I'll help!" I kind of giggled, and told her that if she could read the front of the first card, she could help me. She promptly took the card, which was "Alliteration" (the repetition of initial consonant sounds) and said "A! I read it!". I wasn't sure how to answer this, so thankfully I didn't have to, because immediately Emmi grabbed the card Abbi had, and announced, "I can read, too! Ox, I read it!!!" Abbi is sitting there, "No, it says "A", you can't read", as if she was patiently repeating this  lesson for the fourth time. Emmi stares at Abbi, and reminds her, "I can too read- look (points to her lips) I have lips!!!"
Finally Tori and I stopped laughing, and got to work. As we came to the last word in the stack of cards (onomatopoeia), Tori asked me how to pronounce it. I told her, she repeated, and I gave the definition (words that sound like what they mean), and then we heard Abbi chanting "Emmiapockasia! Emmiapockasia! Emmiapockasia!" Emmi joined in the chant; "Emmiapockasia! Emmiapockasia! Emmia- Abbi!!! I am not a emmiapockasia!!!"
It was sooo funny!

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