Faith. Family. Friends. Love. Home life... so fun!


Saturday, April 13, 2013

On the dangers of trying to be brilliant at seven in the morning... (Part two)

(Part one)
That black, moving rope scared me out of my mind for a minute. It looked huge. Three inches long and at least half an inch wide, I was sure. I jumped up, and ran for the light switch. I was going to get to the bottom of this.
It was an earwig. About one inch long. And sliver thin. I was reminded of a picture my Gramma had sent us a couple days before.

I scrambled for something to take it out with. Anything, anything at all. The only problem was, I had to keep it in sight, because I didn't want to lose it, so I couldn't go far. And I certainly couldn't go out of the room- the bathroom is only about ten feet down the hall, but Emmi was liable to roll all over the bed while I was gone and either kick it somewhere, or lay on it. When I'm not in the bed, she truly, decidedly, and thoroughly, takes it over.
I ended up grabbing a piece of paper... the one that my draft for this post was written on. Ewww.... but it was all I had. I had to chase that earwig all the way to the door, as it kept diving off the paper. I eventually got it taken out.
True to any girl's character, it wasn't until the bug was no longer in my sight that I remembered that not even two minutes ago I had been worried that there was somebody in the kitchen :P. Well,  I now knew that there wasn't, and I was so wide awake that I decided that I might as well stay up and carry out my brilliant idea.
Why not make cinnamon rolls? I certainly wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep after that bug chase. It was early enough to get them done by ten, surely, and if Mommy went out to buy donuts instead, we wouldn't end up eating any earlier than that. Besides, cinnamon rolls had been her original plan until we got the call that we would have to be out of the house on Saturday.
I decided to set the milk on the stove and go get dressed. Getting the milk on the stove ended up taking forever, as I planned on making a single batch, since Daddy wasn't home and we didn't want any leftovers, but poured out two recipes worth of milk from habit, and then couldn't find a funnel.
I eventually was dressed and ready to actually bake. I put a few ingredients in, very slowly, trying not to make too much noise, and scolding myself often... I'm a rather noisy cook. I was finally settling down, thinking that I might be getting something accomplished. Until I went to put the flour in.
For some background, we usually use whole wheat to bake, fresh out if our wheat grinder. This isn't a problem most of the time, and it makes the absolute best bread.But there are some things that, instead of improving the taste, it makes them taste nutty. Cinnamon rolls have to be light, fluffy, and smooth, or they just aren't cinnamon rolls. So, we usually used store bought, white flour- termed "bad flour" in our house- for special sweet breads. My recipe called for four cups. And I had two.
And there wasn't any in the outside freezer, where we keep un-opened "bad flours".
But that was okay. I had a plan.

To be continued next Wednesday...

1 comment:

Lynn said...

You are hilarious!!!!