Faith. Family. Friends. Love. Home life... so fun!


Friday, December 30, 2011

Over the past few days...

We've had a couple funny things said in our house...
For the past six months, we have been having a problem understanding Abbi when she asks for a second helping of turkey at lunch. "May I have more toakey?" She'll ask. We inform her we don't have any cookies in the house. We would eventually figure it out, but it was really hard to tell what she wanted.
Well, she asked again, yesterday, for "more toakey". Mommy answered, "We don't have any cookies, sweetheart." Abbi looked at Mommy and answered "No, not tookie, toakey!!!" Haha! You really can't tell a difference when she says it!!! But, she knows what she wants... and it is not cookies!
Also, I was holding Emmi today, and she grabbed my necklace- "Look! A breakless!" She squealed. Then she asked "This your keys?"
And one more word misunderstanding: I invited Tori and Bethi to help me embroider some pillow cases yesterday. Since we only had two pillows, we took turns reading and sewing (although the pillows are apparently going to take longer than I had at first anticipated, it was a lot of fun!). When it came Bethi's turn to read, she stumbled across the phrase "the aroma of fresh bread"... She said "the army of fresh bread"...
I think that the fact that we can make and eat 12 loaves of bread in three days has kind of messed her up ;)!


Allyson said...

How funny!! I love it when little kids make mistakes like that. :)

Happy New Year! Tell Tori her picture is beautiful!

Blogspot seems to be working fine for you? I tried to access my account a few days before Christmas and couldn't. I still can't, and Joy told me she can't, either. :-/


Unknown said...

I do, too. It is so cute :)!!!
Happy New Year's to you, too! I will :)!
It is, I haven't had a bit of trouble, which I am thankful for! I knew Joy was having trouble, but for both of you to be having trouble is triple weird, with the fact that I'm not. I've missed your blogging, I hope that blogspot fixes whatever the problem is soon!!!

Tori said...

Allyson, you are welcome to use the picture of the sun on 'Things of beauty' if you want, I just thought you might enjoy a little something for you blog :)
Have a blessed day/year in the LORD!!!