Faith. Family. Friends. Love. Home life... so fun!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Twizzler wars ~Viginia trip Part 2

After we were fully on the road, we had a fairly uneventful ride ;). We broke out the Twizzlers (family road trip tradition :), as some of my long time readers may remember), and Mommy also handed out glow-sticks. Everybody was using their sticks as cello bows while Daddy's "The Piano Guys" CD was playing "Cello Wars" (you can find it on youtube :) ).

Emmi had just woken up ;)...

And these were the first Twizzlers she remembered :).

She liked them :)!

Bethi was not feeling photogenic that day... 
this is the best I got,  haha...

So cute :)!

 Glow sticks!

Daddy and I also had a hilarious conversation about a tatting idea he had for me (that was part of the project I started on our trip, I really will tell you about it, but that comes later :).). He had a really good idea, and it worked out wonderfully, once we knew what the other was saying ;)! But, Daddy was "saying one thing" and I was "saying another", and we were both royally confused about what the other was saying (usually we're better at talking than this ;) ). We finally changed our "language", and guess what? During that conversation, which had lasted for at least a half hour... we were saying the exact same thing, just using different words to describe it, haha!
Oh, and we had glowing children in the car! Haha :). Tori put down a glow stick, and gasped "I'm glowing! Mommy! My hand and skirt are glowing!!! I think this glow-stick is leaking...".
They all did really good on the trip up there, it was amazing! We picked up some supper, headed to the hotel, and settled in, very happy for the safe trip, despite drivers making dangerous u-turns. We saw three cars in a row making the same dangerous u-turn at one point! But God kept us safe, and we were glad to be in Virginia :)!

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