Faith. Family. Friends. Love. Home life... so fun!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The day I shouldn't have cooked!

I'm not sure why, but Friday was not a great cooking day for me!
First I made bread, left it kneading in the mixer too long, and then let it raise too long. It burst after I put it in the oven, and it came out a hill-and-valley looking mess!
Then Mommy suggested that I make some brownies* for a treat during the time Tori and I were going to spend with her during the younger ones quiet time. We didn't have eggs, so I used mayonnaise instead. We checked those brownies when they were suppose to be done... and knew that we were not having brownies for our snack! Those brownies were BOILING in the oven!!!
When we finally gave up cooking them, they were burnt and STILL sliding all over the pan!
We settled on popcorn and coffee drinks** for a substitute treat. The fire alarms went off (for no reason whatsoever) while I was popping the popcorn. Then I bring the drinks into Mommy's room, hand Mommy her drink, and she asked "You put the sugar in it, right?". "Yes," I answered. "It would have been funny if you didn't," Mommy stated, referring to the fact that some thing had gone wrong with all the rest of my baking, cooking and mixing that day. Tori comes into the room to get her drink and asks- "Did you put sugar in it?" (Is anyone noticing that I must have forgotten the sugar a time or two?... Or three or four?...). Mommy giggles (she just asked the same question!) as I answer "Yes!". Tori then says "Wouldn't it have been funny if you forgot it TODAY!... What's funny?" She asks Mommy, who's rolling with laughter. I bet you can guess what was funny...
So, I learned two things. Mayonnaise does NOT do well in brownies for eggs... and it's REALLY time I start remembering the sugar in our coffee drinks.

*The recipe for the brownies can be found here (we leave off the cream cheese mixture), and the recipe for the chocolate sauce that we drizzle on top is:

1 cup cocoa powder
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 dash salt
1 1/2 cups water
1 teaspoon vanilla

  1. Stir together.
  2. Boil 5 minutes, or more, until close to the consistency that you want, stirring rapidly. This will thicken slightly as it cools.
  3. Store in the refrigerator.
Watch closely! This stuff boils over easy! Ask me how I know...

** Our coffee drinks:
  1. In blender, shave two cups of ice,
  2. Add one cup of milk, one cup of chilled prepared coffee, one cup of coffee ice cream, one-third cup of sugar, and mix in blender. Pour and serve.

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