Faith. Family. Friends. Love. Home life... so fun!


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Over the past couple weeks...

...There was this new update on the Pleven orphanage.
A while back there was a new director placed in Pleven. She made many changes in the orphanage that has been greatly appreciated. The little children there have already shown signs of better treatment. But this doesn't stop the fact that the little ones need FAMILIES. Better conditions are good, but their real need is a Mommy and Daddy. Nevertheless, we do not want their circumstances to change back to the worse.
And there is danger of that. Or, there would be if God was not in control.
But we know that God "holds the government on his shoulders". And he will work this out for the best.
Please, those of you who read this. Pray. God will hear the cry of his people. Pray that the Bulgaria government would be lead by God to not re-institute the former director "who was enriching herself at the expense of tiny, hurt children who were and are completely helpless to defend themselves."
What she did was significant, and they know, or at least need to know, that. And, may I ask that, as one lady who reads Miss Susanna's blog mentioned, we would pray that God would work significantly in her life? That he would draw her to him in His saving grace.
Among other things, I have also been praying that this bit of news would break the hearts of those who feel God leading them to adopt and yet are holding back from fear. That the thought of that child that they would love to have in their home going back to those conditions would cause them to step out in faith in God.
But then another update this morning may mean that isn't possible.
This post (which leads to another post, which leads to the petition... sorry if it seems complicated...) tells that the government for the country these children are in may make it to were these children may not be able to be adopted by Americans. From the sounds of it... because they are trying to get back at Americans for something our Government did that offended them. They are trying to use children's precious lives to get even.
If you feel so lead, would you sign the petition? And please... PRAY. This doesn't just mean that the children who don't have a family committed to them would no longer be able to be adopted by Americans. That means even those who are close to being brought home here in America would not get home from the sounds of it. Please, pray.
This is Christmas, the time of anticipation... joy... hope... salvation... preparation... faith in God. And these children need families to anticipate and prepare for them, to offer them hope and salvation, through faith in God, to bring these children joy in this season, in their whole life! Families who will nurture these children and explain these concepts to these children, through faith in God.
I praise God that he has placed me in a family where our parents have explained to us what each of these things really mean. And I pray that the door remains open for families to do this for other little ones, too. To care for orphans is what God has commanded, and he will cause it to happen, no matter what. But he has also commanded us to pray. Let's do just that!!!

On a lighter note, there is a little fundraiser going on to help bring Tommy home...
And precious Garnet and Kramer have families working to bring them home!!!
And, have you seen who the next Hidden Treasures action will be for? I think Payton is adorable, and he is a very good example of the change that the new director at his orphanage has brought to help bring better health to these children, if you've seen the pictures of him a while ago! It starts in February, so any of you would have plenty of time to think of something to donate this time, if you would like. I know, I've always mentioned the next one while it is running... I know that does next to no good for somebody who would want to donate something that would take a week to get ready, I'm sorry :)...

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