Faith. Family. Friends. Love. Home life... so fun!


Thursday, July 29, 2010

You might come from a big family if...

  1. ... Your Mother knows that your 2-year old sister ate watermelon and brownies by looking at the kiss marks on your head.

  2. ... You want a big family yourself.

  3. ... You can't believe that people buy that small of a jar of something.

  4. ... You don't know why someone wants a two seat car. (From Tori.)

  5. ... Every time the Baby isn't eating Mother loses her to the arms of a child.

  6. ... Children out number the grown-ups 3 to 1.

  7. ... You use a whole loaf of bread at one meal.

  8. ... You make 24 cookies and they are gone in two days.

  9. ... You don't need to invite any friends to you birthday party, you have so many people there already.

  10. ... You meet a little boy and he goes "No way! We have three, but this many...WOW!!" In an awed tone ;).

  11. ... Making a casserole is quicker then making sandwiches. (From Mother.)

~ Have Fun!